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Senior STAR-Skaters

Langley Skating Club’s Senior Program is for skaters working on STAR 5 and beyond. Skaters must have passed their STAR 5 Skills & Freeskate to be on a Senior Session (skaters may also be permitted based on a Skating Director’s discretion). Skaters within the Senior Program typically compete and test throughout the year (tests and competitions are additional charges).

Langley Skating Club’s Senior Program offers a Team Coaching environment, with a combination of private lessons, semi-private lessons, development classes, and off-ice training.

Sessions Include:

  • Freeskate Sessions – Development of jumps, spins, program components, and solo choreography. Artistic solo training can also take place on Freeskate sessions.
  • Dance Sessions – Development of skating technique, timing, accuracy, and musicality.
  • Skills Sessions – Development of turns, power, control, and field movements.
  • Open Sessions – Can train any of the above disciplines on open sessions.
  • Development Sessions – Large group sessions with 100% coach-directed time, focusing on areas like power, artistry, edges, turns, jump technique, cardio, and field movements.
  • Off-Ice Sessions – Development of strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, jump technique, etc.


  • Long hair must be neatly tied back or in a bun.
  • Skating dress, skating skirt, or stretchy clothing. Jeans and sweaters with hoods are not permitted.
  • Professionally fitted figure skates are recommended. Nearby figure skating shops include:

Nearby Figure Skating Stores:
★ Skater’s Edge in Coquitlam (604-521-5550)
★ Cyclone Taylor in Vancouver (604-264-9261)