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Week 1: March 10-15

Group Schedule:
Download Week 1 Group Schedule

Feature Schedule:
Download Week 1 Feature Schedule

Week 2: March 31 - April 6

Group Schedule:
Download Week 2 Group Schedule


Important Notice:
Due to the limited timeframe of just two weeks, all scheduled practices for your skater’s group are mandatory. We understand this may create scheduling conflicts, but we ask that you prioritize LSC Ice Show practices. Our Skating Director, Rob, has worked hard to accommodate as many skating times as possible. However, with so many variables, this was a challenging task.

At the Skating Director’s discretion, participation in the show may be affected if practices are missed. We truly appreciate your commitment and enthusiasm as we bring this event to life.

Thank you for your support, and we can’t wait to see our skaters shine on the ice!

Ice Show Groupings

Senior - Beatles Medley

  1. Hannah L
  2. Maya T
  3. Tracy Z
  4. Charmaine S
  5. Audrey A
  6. Brianna C
  7. Irena L
  8. Alicia W
  9. Dana K
  10. Noa Yu
  11. Kendyl E
  12. Amber P
  13. Taylah M
  14. Lucy C
  15. Hannah P
  16. Grace H
  17. Megan I
  18. Kaia T
  19. Anna S

Junior – Country

  1. Kylie F
  2. Rosa S
  3. Yuhan L
  4. Aurelia B
  5. Celia N
  6. Hayley N
  7. Sadie D
  8. Akira C
  9. Helena E P
  10. Mariana E P
  11. Ariel N
  12. Macy C

Teen/Adult – ‘80’s

  1. Cailley O
  2. Mya S
  3. Olivia B
  4. Sara W
  5. Nicole B
  6. Kylee B
  7. Micol M
  8. Grace L*

Monday C.S. – Easter Bunnies

Feature Easter Girls – Emily S, Rhianna G

  1. Harang P
  2. Lydia H
  3. Chloe J
  4. Emira S

Tuesday C.S. – Wizard of Oz

Feature Scarecrow – Amber P
Lion – Lucy C
Tin Man – Kendyl E

  1. Adelynn K
  2. Evelyn C
  3. Finley T
  4. Georgia H
  5. Greya J
  6. Scottie T
  7. Veronika R

TUESDAY C.S – Wizard of Oz

Feature Witch - Grace Han
Dorothy - Dana Kim
Glenda – Taylah Mercier

  1. Abigail G
  2. Autumn B
  3. Olena D
  4. Sophie C
  5. Stella R B
  6. Advika B
  7. Catalina G
  8. Iryna D
  9. Sarina E
  10. Yelyzaveta M
  11. Charlotte P
  12. Isabella T
  13. Jayla F
  14. Youling/Elaine C
  15. Zuoling/Jolene C
  16. Sohela G

Wednesday C.S. – Harry Potter

  1. Abigail X
  2. Beloslava D
  3. Ella G
  4. Hani B
  5. Helena M
  6. Samiya S
  7. Jiaxi P
  8. Kayleigh-Anne B-C

Intermediate #1 - Mardi Gras

  1. Lisa L
  2. Yoonha S
  3. Hayoung P
  4. Sodahm L
  5. Evie C
  6. Allison J
  7. Teodora T
  8. Yein K
  9. Carina W
  10. Jenny K
  11. Sophie H
  12. Charlene Z
  13. Della Z

Junior Academy - Christmas Rockers

Feature - Tracy Z

  1. Mayuki K
  2. Elsie C
  3. Rory T
  4. Alysa P
  5. Jaelynn L
  6. Molly M
  7. Chloe T
  8. Leah K
  9. Mia P
  10. Audrey H
  11. Grace W***
  12. Nylah R-B
  13. Erica Y
  14. Molly W
  15. Khalecia B
  16. Grace W*
  17. Natalie M
  18. Elina L

Monday C.S. – Little Mermaid

Feature Flounder - Lisa L
Sabastian - Yoonha S

  1. Amelia V
  2. Auriel V
  3. Darlyna H
  4. Ella L
  5. Ellie C
  6. Georgia C
  7. Grace L**
  8. Ivy L
  9. Jiwoo H
  10. Rebecca J
  11. Seowoo H
  12. Sophia L
  13. Sua S
  14. Yinuo X
  15. Lizabeth L

Wednesday C.S. – Clowns

Feature Clowns – Allison J, Noa Y, Brianna K

  1. Aria J
  2. Mika J
  3. Jaylene Z
  4. Zoe B

C.S. Boys - Toy Story

Feature Woody - Hannah P
Jessi – Irena L

  1. Aiden J
  2. Elon H
  3. Eunseong H
  4. Eunwoo C
  5. Haewoo C
  6. Harry Y
  7. Isaac L
  8. Jeremy L
  9. June Y
  10. Kevin Z
  11. Lucas Y
  12. Marcus Z
  13. Oliver C
  14. Ryan L
  15. Vincent Z
  16. Xiaopeng H
  17. Yeseong H
  18. Yuvaan R

Intermediate #2 - Halloween

  1. Lincco L
  2. Alice H
  3. Aria Y
  4. Rhianna G
  5. Emily S
  6. Priyanshi R
  7. Emily H
  8. Sia K
  9. Emma C
  10. Amy K
  11. Katherine P-L

P.A.’S – Greatest Showmen Ringleaders

  1. Tracy Z
  2. Kendyl E
  3. Lucy C
  4. Dana K
  5. Grace H
  6. Alicia W
  7. Amber P
  8. Irena L
  9. Noa Y
  10. Lisa L
  11. Brianna C
  12. Taylor C
  13. Evie C
  14. Sodahm L
  15. Charlene Z
  16. Yein K
  17. Yoonha S


  1. Hannah L and Nathan F - (Grease or Free dance)
  2. Maya T – These Boots Are Made For Walking


  1. Hannah L
  2. Maya T
  3. Tracy Z
  4. Charmaine S
  5. Audrey A
  6. Brianna C
  7. Irena L
  8. Alicia W
  9. Dana K
  10. Noa Yu
  11. Kendyl E
  12. Amber P
  13. Taylah M
  14. Lucy C
  15. Hannah P
  16. Grace H
  17. Megan I
  18. Kaia T
  19. Lisa L
  20. Yoonha S
  21. Hayoung P
  22. Sodahm L
  23. Evie C
  24. Allison J
  25. Teodora T
  26. Yein K
  27. Carina W
  28. Jenny K
  29. Sophie H
  30. Charlene Z
  31. Lincco L
  32. Alice H
  33. Aria Y
  34. Rhianna G
  35. Emily S
  36. Priyanshi R
  37. Emily H
  38. Sia K
  39. Emma C
  40. Amy K
  41. Della Z
  42. Kylie F
  43. Rosa S
  44. Yuhan L
  45. Aurelia B
  46. Celia N
  47. Hayley N
  48. Katherine P-L
  49. Sadie D
  50. Akira C
  51. Helena E P
  52. Mariana E P
  53. Ariel N
  54. Macy C
  55. Anna S

What is an ice show?

This is an end of the year musical production where all of our members showcase their skills in an on-ice performance. It is a great way for the whole family to celebrate the skaters' achievements over the year. Skaters participate in both an afternoon show and an evening show!

Who can participate?

Skaters of all ages and levels who enroll in the Fall 2024/Winter 2025 season are eligible to participate in the show.

We especially encourage our CanSkate families to join! This is a fantastic opportunity for your children to showcase their skills and be part of a fun club event. CanSkaters will be paired with some of our talented Senior skaters, offering a great chance for them to learn by watching and skating alongside more experienced athletes.

StarSkaters: Participation in the ice show is mandatory. Please talk to Rob if there is a reason why you are not able to participate.

What does it cost?

Includes costume, coaching for big group numbers and ice cost for the ice show practice, rehearsal and show day.

  • CanSkate: $50.00
  • Junior Academy, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, Teen/Adult: $125.00

There are NO refunds or credits.

Solo/Duo/Trio numbers: If a skater is asked to participate in a Solo/Duo/Trio number (in addition to the group numbers), costumes and coaching are at the expense of the skater and are arranged with the assigned coach. Practice ice for solos/duos/trios during the week of rehearsals will be provided by the club and is included in the above-noted rehearsal times.

Choreography for solos/duos/trios may begin prior to the ice show at the coach’s discretion.

Gold Sponsor
Special Thanks
SW Event Technology Logo
Community Sponsor
Skaters Edge Logo Pilates Life Studio Logo
Vancouver Bandits Logo Beaty Biodiversity Museum Logo Vancouver Canadians Logo Vancouver Art Gallery Logo
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