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Langley Skating Club

How to Create Uplifter Account and Register for Programs


Step 1: Create or Log in to Your Account


When you click on the Registration Link, you will be prompted to log in or create an account.


If you are a returning family, log in and proceed to Step 2 or 3.  (If you need to add a new skater, proceed to Step 2.)


If you are new to our club, you will need to create an account.  Please create one account for your family, using your name (parent/guardian) as the main member for the account. (You will be able to add your skater(s) as a participant under Step 2.)


Uplifter will ask for your communication preferences when you set up your account. Please make sure of the following: all email addresses of those who wish to receive notifications are included in your Uplifter family account and be sure to check boxes to accept Member Information messages and the News, upcoming program and registration information. If you wish to add/edit any information you can do so by clicking the “edit details” button on the Details & Address tab in your membership account.


Step 2: Add Skaters


Log in to your account. Navigate to My Account > Participants > Add Participant.


Enter the information for each family member who will be participating in a skating program with LSC.






Step by step detail of how to create an account and register for programs with screen shots of each step can be found here: Uplifter Account Set-up Guide - All Members.pdf

Step 3: Register Skaters for Programs


Click Registration at the top of the page.

Beside the program you would like to register for, Click Register, choose the Participant for that program, and Add to Cart.


Repeat for any additional programs and participants.


Once you have selected all programs you wish to register for, proceed to Shopping Cart. (You will have 30 minutes to complete the registration process).

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